Centre International de Mathİmatiques Pures et Appliquİes
International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics
Objects and Network
Persistence Exercises
Emmanuel Chailloux
Exercises : Persistence
- Test the Towns List
- Modify the Producer-Consumer
- Create an Applets server
- Adapt the World of robots
Some Sources
To test the Towns List
To compile and to test the example program.
To modify and to test the Producer/Consumer
To integrate modifications from slides to the Producer/Consumer program and then :
- To modify the applet : integrate a SAVE button and LOAD
button for each client which respectively stops and stores a client in a file and
loads (and starts it) a client from a file.
- To run 2 shop servers, with 2 producers and 4 clients each,
which can communicate clients between them. Randomly, decide when a client
can migrate.
Some Sources
To ceate an GameOfLife Applet server
- To run the GameOfLife applet with appletviewer and to save it (save button).
- To create a MainGOL class, which can load and save a GraphGOL instance.
When a new instance is loaded, the Applet Panel must be resized.
- To test it, to save and to load different persistent GraphGOL object.
Some Sources
To adapt the World of robots
To modify the World of robots in order to communicate new position and
positions list between the world and the robots.
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.