Centre International de Mathİmatiques Pures et Appliquİes
International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics
Objects and Network
Persistence Courses
Emmanuel Chailloux
- Serialization in Java
- for threads
- for applets
- and using sockets
To conserve an object outside of the current execution in a file or a
Goal: to use the object in another program (or the same later)
- to write and to read data structures
- including circular structures
- to typecheck during reading
- to save code
The jdk1.1 proposes a mechanism of serialization.
Serialization in Java
To serialize an object: just means to write the values of all its
data fields into a stream of bytes.
- Stream classes
- ObjectOutputStream : serialization stream
- ObjectInputStream : deserialization stream
- interface
- Serializable : must be implemented to be serializable
It is an empty interface!!!
What is stored?
Storage contains :
- name and key (checksum) of the class
- all the values of all serializable data fields
- not the code, because the corresponding class must be existed
The key allows to check the version of the class.
The keyword transient marks data fields, which will not saved
during serialization.
Another way: is to implement its own serialization
mechanism. It's then mandatory to write a class
Externalizable which implements the following interfaces : readExternal and writeExternal.
Example : Towns List
import java.io.*;
class ExTL implements Serializable {
String nom;
ExTL others;
ExTL() {nom=null;others=null;}
ExTL(String n, ExTL e) {
boolean isEmpty() {return (nom == null);}
void destroy() {nom=null;others=null;}
public String toString() {
if (isEmpty()) return "[]";
else if (others.isEmpty()) return nom;
else return nom+"::"+others.toString();
public void add (String unNom) {
ExTL e = new ExTL(nom,others);
Example : Towns List (2)
import java.io.*;
class ExecuteTL {
public static void main (String[] args) {
ExTL e = new ExTL();
ObjectOutputStream out;
ObjectInputStream in;
try {
System.out.println("1 : "+e);
out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("ExTL.ser"));
out.flush(); out.close();
System.out.println("2 : "+e);
in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("ExTL.ser"));
e.others = (ExTL)in.readObject();
System.out.println("3 : "+e);
catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException exc){System.err.println(exc);}
catch (StreamCorruptedException exc) {System.err.println(exc);}
catch (IOException exc) {System.err.println(exc);}
Running TL
$ java ExecuteTL
1 : Paris::Hanoi
2 : []
3 : London::Paris::Hanoi
: method add(..) is traced
Serialization and threads
A Thread is a class, so it can be serialized.
- can save a processus state
- and rerun after (in the same execution or not)
- needs to (re)initialize some value fields
(particularlly to synchronize with others threads)
for transient fields
To implement Serialize for a Consumer
class Consumer extends Thread implements Serializable {
transient Shop aShop;
String name;
Consumer(Shop s, String sn){aShop=s; name = sn;}
void changeShop(Shop s) {
aShop = s;
To save a Consumer
public class ProdConP {
static void saveConsumer(Consumer c, String filename) {
try {
ObjectOutputStream out =
new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
catch (Exception e){ System.out.println(e);}
To load a Consumer
static Consumer loadConsumer(String filename) {
Consumer c = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream in =
new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
c = (Consumer)in.readObject();
catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e);}
return c;
To test the program
Consumer c2 = new Consumer(myShop,"Cl2");
Consumer c3 = new Consumer(myShop,"Cl3");
char c;
switch (c) {
case '1': { saveConsumer(c1,"C1.ser");break;}
case '4': { Consumer cl = loadConsumer("C1.ser");
- Thread subclasses need to implement Serializable
- The transient field (as Shop) ares not
After reading:
- It will need to initialize transient fields (changeShop)
- and to start the thread (start.
Serialization and applets
An Applet is a Thread, so it can be serialized.
- Component classes implement Serializable
- including Panel class
- and Event class
- It will need to include it inside the main applet :
add and setSize
- and to initialize transient fields
- and finally to start it
Different behaviors between appletviewer and Java browsers.
Example : Game of Life
- Create a new Applet subclass which contains :
- two TextField to give filename (load,save)
- a GraphGOL field
- attach a method to each TextField in order to load and to save GraphGOL Applet
- after loading, start the new GraphGOL Applet
How can you create the first GraphGOL file?
Ş by using the "save" menu in appletviewer
Execution : to save a GraphGOL
save object is a TextField
gol is an Applet.
String filename = (String)(save.getText()) +".ser";
System.out.println("Saving "+filename);
ObjectOutputStream out =
new ObjectOutputStream (
new FileOutputStream(filename));
Execution : to load an old GraphGOL
load is another TextField
String filename = (String)(load.getText()) +".ser";
System.out.println("Loading "+filename);
ObjectInputStream in =
new ObjectInputStream (
new FileInputStream(filename));
GraphGOL g = (GraphGOL)in.readObject();
if (gol != null) {remove(gol);}
Serialization and sockets
A Socket containts a Stream, so serializable Object can be sent to or
received from a Socket!!!
- need to have same class in the server and in the client
- to allow to copy object between server and client :
- to simplify communication protocol
- to distribute objects (by copy)
- including threads and applets :
- to allow to migrate threads
- and to build applets server
Example 1 : GOL server
- A server keeps different serialized GOL object (in files).
A client sends to the server a trivial request, which contains a specific filename.
- The server sends, by socket, the corresponding
file (which contains a GOL object).
Example 2 : Consumer migration
- two shops servers run on different machines
- each server :
- has a producer and some consumers
- can accept connections to receive a consumer
- can send a consumer to another server
- when a consumer migrates, it disappears from its server
- when a (new) consumer appears in a server, it must be
synchronized to a local shop.
no mobile code:
- classes must be known in the program
- there are no mobile code, only data fields are saved/loaded
for processus:
threads and applets are objects and can implement Serializable,
so they can be used this mechanism.
using sockets:
- socket streams can be used to send or to receive a
Serializable object.
- protocols are simplified and will become the Interface object.
- exceptions can be send and throw inside the receiver.
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.